Fire Destroys Boarding School Dormitory
In May, I visited the Nandarasi Secondary School in Karima. We learned that the boys’ dormitory was completely destroyed in an electrical fire a couple
In May, I visited the Nandarasi Secondary School in Karima. We learned that the boys’ dormitory was completely destroyed in an electrical fire a couple
We started partnering with the people of Karogoto in 2007. One of the reasons (besides having strong community leadership) was their first priority… They asked
I recently wrote a 3-part blog about our education strategy. Click here to check it out: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Folks are beginning to ask us what happens “after school?” Not after five o’clock
We just put together this video from the recent trip to Haiti that James and Kurt went on. Take a look and let us know
Our Kenya Country Director (Andrew Guuru) arrived safely in Atlanta Saturday night. He’ll be here for a couple weeks (as he is each year) to
Do you know the difference between African time and American time? …and I don’t mean the time zone difference. If you’ve been to Kenya you
I received the following email from David Sigilia, the new director of the Segera Mission, this week. ________________________________________________________________________________ Hello brother, in Christ’s name. We are
David Muchai (Moo – ‘chy) is The 410 Bridge‘s newest Community Development Manager. He was hired to fill the vacancy left when Andrew was promoted
Meet Paul Omondi… Paul’s life story is amazing and more than we can post in a single blog entry, but take a minute and read
Here in the States, what you’ll see in this video would have taken days… The 410 Bridge community of Kandaria had to relocate a brand
I met Moses (“Zhangi”) in 2007. He was a chaperone and the original choreographer for the first Daraja Children’s Choir tour. I had the opportunity
His full name is actually Silvester Andrew Muiruri Guuru… What the video doesn’t tell you is that Andrew was our 2nd employee in Kenya. He
The 410 Bridge
3955 Marconi Drive, Suite 205
Alpharetta GA 30005
The 410 Bridge is proud to have a Charity Navigator Rating of 97. Visit Charity Navigator for more information on our score.