Make a Life-changing Investment

The 410 Bridge is a Christ-centered, organization helping to redefine the war on poverty through community development in poverty-stricken nations such as Kenya, Guatemala, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Uganda, and the Dominican Republic.

Too often in the West, we want to help the poor without really knowing the poor. We want to change that by helping others to redefine the war on poverty on both sides of the bridge – meaning you and those we help around the world!

Learn more using the images below.

Education >

quality education programs are specifically designed to eliminate the barriers to quality education for 100% of the children living in a 410 Bridge community.
Education >

Health >

Our local indigenous staff leads training programs to support proper healthcare within each community to reduce child mortality rates and improve quality of life through THROUGH LOCAL HEALTH VOLUNTEERS AND TRAININGS, CHILD HEALTH SCREENINGS AND CHECKUPS, CONSTRUCTION AND EQuIPPING OF LOCAL HEALTH CLINICS, AND THROUGH THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY HYGIENE MATERIALS.
Health >

Spiritual Development >

In everything we do, we share the gospel. The local church should also be the hero of their community. Our goal is that 100% of households in our communities will have access to a Bible.
Spiritual Development >

Water >

Our water solutions are large infrastructure projects that sustainably address access to a reliable water source, filtration, distribution throughout the community, & safe water training
Water >

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others”
1st Peter 4:10

The Latest from the Blog


Sponsor a Child in the Dominican Republic for the First Time with 410 Bridge!

We have an exciting announcement — for the very first time, you can now sponsor a child in the Dominican Republic through 410 Bridge!

Child sponsorship has always been at the heart of what we do. It’s not just about giving — it’s about walking alongside a child as they discover their potential and begin to see themselves as part of the solution to poverty. It’s about encouragement, relationship, and hope. And now, this life-changing opportunity is expanding into the Dominican Republic.

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Community Development

Mission: Hope Joins The 410 Bridge Family!

We have some incredible news to share—The 410 Bridge is thrilled to welcome Mission: Hope into our family! For years, both of our organizations have been dedicated to sustainable, Christ-centered community development in some of the most vulnerable communities around the world. And now, by coming together, we’re expanding our impact in powerful ways.
This partnership is more than just an expansion—it’s an opportunity to reach more people with the hope of the gospel and strengthen the way we serve communities.

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Community Development

Turning Dreams into Reality

In the quiet village of Las Lomas, Guatemala, a story of resilience, faith, and transformation unfolds. Enma Rosa Jiménez López, a 29-year-old mother, has turned her dreams into reality, not just for herself but for her entire family. Her journey is one of perseverance, love, and an unshakable hope that has carried her through every challenge.

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