Young Men on a Journey (pt 3)…Will, Luke, Jakeb and Brantley

Concluding our “Young Men on a Journey” series, we will hear today from Will Tumlin, Luke Cummings, Jakeb Stuntz, and Brantley Bell.  As the Journey team trip is coming to an end, we encourage any college student interested in following God to Kenya for 2 months to consider Journey 2013. You can check out the info and applications here.

Also, to hear from the other members of Journey, you can check out their blog.

Will Tumlin, Luke Cummings, Jakeb Stuntz, and Brantley Bell


Luke Cummings

So far this journey has been one of the most challenging yet best summers of my life.  Throughout my time here in Kenya, the Lord has continually shown me His faithfulness in orchestrating so many specific moments to place me right here with this group. God has led me outside of every comfort zone in Kenya but I love it.

While Kenya has become a special place to me, the Lord has shown me that He is no bigger here than He is back home or anywhere else in the world.  He has the same desires for all of His children both on this side and the other side of the world.  He is huge, mighty, and so worth praising.

I have tangibly seen God working in each community we have visited and can’t explain what an awesome and encouraging thing it has been to watch.  In the last community we visited, I was able to witness the Lord appoint multiple men to leadership in their own community.  Watching each of these men step boldly into what the Lord has called them to has personally encouraged me so much.  The Lord has blessed me a great deal by allowing me to have a part in forming relationships with and empowering these men  in who He says they are.  Through all of this, He has shown me that I can also step boldly into leadership simply through seeking Him more and increasing my reliance on Him.  As I look back and think about this whole experience, I see that God is constantly revealing more of Himself everyday.  We just have to stop, be still, and listen to what He has to say.

Will Tumlin

The Lord meets us where we’re at. He knows our heart, He knows our desires, and He has our best interest at heart. Whether it’s joy or brokenness, He is jealous for his children and meets us where we’re at. The Lord has taught me trust in a while new way this summer. He has shown me that He is in control and that I am not. I am not meant to be in control, but rather to give it all to Him. This Journey has shown me to give it all to Him and rely on Him in daily obedience. One day at a time is what He calls us to. Walk in what He has for you today, not worrying about the next, because that is all in His hands as well. He is sufficient and is strong when we’re not. By giving it all to Him, He is faithful to sustain us in whatever He calls us to each day. I’ve learned not to miss the love of Christ today at the expense of God tomorrow. Psalm 62:5-8.


Jakeb Stuntz

Having been to Kenya before, I had expectations for Journey that were ultimately flipped upside down. Serving the people of Kenya is what we do, but I was not expecting for God to turn my life 180 degrees by forcing me to look at myself and my relationship with Him.

Through this time with Journey in Kenya, God has put me through trials and hardships to teach me lessons He will inevitably use to grow my relationship with Him, but also to use in the huge vision He is putting on my heart right now. Long-story short, God is using community on this internship, the leadership, the people of Kenya, and the children to change the course of my life. The coolest part? It’s all to glorify Himself. It wasn’t until this summer I was able to see God’s faithfulness and His sovereignty over all things in my life, especially the hardships and trials that make us weary, but thank God for the trials because it guilds endurance and ultimately brings us out a better child of God. James 1:2-4.


Brantley Bell

Leadership… I thought at the beginning of this Journey that a leader was someone who ALWAYS stood up and took charge. From time to time I have found out that yes a leader is that, but God has been teaching me that a leader is to be quiet.

This summer he has been taking me through a season of being still and not talking unless the Holy Spirit is telling me to. I find this very hard considering that I am loud in general and always wanting to talk. Over the past two weeks I have been waking up and asking God and begging Him to call me to die to myself. Lately I have seen God and heard Him speak to me so much in my silence and solitude. My prayer for the rest of this Journey is that I continue to walk in what the Lord has for me and become the true leader he has called me to be. Psalm 37:7.


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