We don’t measure our success by what WE do, but by what the COMMUNITY does on their own!
You may recall a recent blog post announcing that The 410 Bridge had drilled a borehole in the community of Karogoto. That was big news for sure, but drilling a borehole doesn’t involve the efforts of an entire community. A drilling rig simply comes to town for a couple days, drills the hole, and hopefully hits and aquifer of clean, fresh water. That was the case in Karogoto about a month ago.
But this week…. the community had an opportunity to come out en masse to help dig trenches and lay pipe from the borehole to a 300K liter tank about a quarter of a mile away.
Check out these photos!
We’re told that the community involvement was more than at any other time in the community’s history. Hundreds of people worked together to contribute to the solution.
We still have a long way to go in Karogoto. This is just the first of several phases to distribute water to schools, churches, and distribution points around the community. But it’s a huge event in Karogoto.
Special thanks to Karogoto’s Community Partner – Parker Hill Community Church (Scranton, PA) – and to the generosity of project partners like BigStuf Camps, and the H204K campaign!