This past week, my holiday team traveled with some of the Daraja Alumni to the Kitengela Glass facility. To be honest, my only hope was that we would get more time to spend with the students one-on-one, investing in their lives and speaking into their dreams.
It was more than I could ever have hoped for. The trip to and from the facility were filled with so many great conversations and encouragements, but our time at Kitengela was also great.

I had been there several times before. It is a artistic community started by a German woman but continued by Kenyan artisans. They blow glass jars, make beads, stained glass, furniture… you name it. The kids were amazed by the art. They even let Francis Njoroge (Daraja 2008) help with creating a stained glass window.
I was reminded how much God ministers to my heart with quality time and light 🙂 It was amazing!
Christi Baker