The medical camp was amazingly successful. First of all, if you would have told me that a team of 17 people could work together cross-culturally without any relational drama, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have believed you. However, God graciously created on our team a spirit of unity, flexibility, and service. As a result, relationships thrived. I could not have asked for a better team environment.

During our medical camp we were able to see 850 patients in 3 1/2 days, and 293 of them were students that we treated at Ngaamba Primary School. It was encouraging to see everyone seamlessly go through registration (host), triage, treatment, prayer, and pharmacy.

It was a historical day in the Ngaamba community after the clinic was dedicated. Hundreds of people, from miles around, walked to the future clinic site for three hours of singing, dancing, prayer, and thanksgiving for God’s provision of a clinic. People shared that they have been praying for this since 1963 when the Ngaamba community formed. The women were excited that they will no longer need to travel a long distance to have a safe delivery of baby. The village elders commented that the government may bring electricity to the area as a result of the clinic and challenged every person to participate in the construction of this facility. The ripple effect of donations on one day in Georgia are being felt thousands of miles away.
Ultimately though, the prayer station was my favorite during the medical camp. This area was an opportunity to let those who came know that we cared for them and God loves them. With every person who attended the clinic we prayed for their physical pain as well as prayed for any other request they might have. So briefly we were able to walk alongside those with stories of hurt, pain, brokenness, husbands who are alcoholics, and families with no income to meet their needs. It is hard to describe, but they were extremely grateful and thankful that someone cared enough to listen and pray with them.

A couple on our team were able to pray for a little child who was born without legs. The mom of this little girl was overwhelmed with the lifelong responsibility of raising a child without legs. When the couple on our team shared that their daughter was born without a leg, tears flowed from this mothers eyes. She commented, “Finally, I now know someone who can relate to me.” Needless to say, this certainly was a God moment.
The prayer station was an area that many team members found a little intimidating and out of their comfort zone, but several took a step of faith and served. All who participated commented that it was an amazing experience, and it gave them boldness to talk about Christ. In fact, one of the ladies on the team was overjoyed that God used her to lead someone to Christ.
Overall, it is humbling that God would take a group of people with broken backgrounds and allow us to serve. For some, joining a globalX trip was WAY out of their comfort zone, but they knew it was the next step in their journey. For another, God brought them to Kenya to remove them from life’s distractions so they can clearly see and hear Jesus. For a few, God showed them the power of service on a previous trip, and they wanted to continue to serve. Regardless the reason, God took a hodgepodge team and did something beautiful with it, and NO ONE will ever be the same…not even close.
Billy Nolan
globalX Partnership Development Director