Ngaamba Mens Trip- Part 2

Recently, NorthPoint Church sent the first-ever all men’s team to Ngaamba. This is the first time that 410 Bridge has been able to facilitate an all-men’s ministry in any of our communities. The results were AMAZING and we rejoice in all that God did.

Today is part 2 of a 4- part reflection on their time in Kenya. It was all just too good to sum up, so we’ve pulled excerpts from their team blog to share with you the impact of relationships and how Relationships can change a person’s view of the world and themselves… Enjoy!

Huddling up during the big game

Oct 24- Preparing for the Big Game
With a slight change in itinerary, our team began the day working on the fencing project. They worked alongside about a dozen men from the community. Progress was strong, with most of the post holes dug, posts dropped into concrete, and fencing going up. Estimates were as much as 40% of the fencing was completed. But the real work being done was with the relationships being formed by our team and the men of the community.

After lunch, our guys began their time of speaking and engaging with the local men. The topic was that leaders needed to be prepared for whatever obstacles might come and how to handle them. They likened this to a warrior that prepares for battle or a big hunt. To be prepared means understanding the situation and the enemy. Each member of our team had a part in the facilitation of this talk. Then, during the middle of the talk, something very wonderful began to happen.

The men of Ngaamba began to open up. They shared their frustrations and needs. As they shared with each other and with our team, a startling discovery began to appear before their very eyes. On their own, they realized that they needed to continue to meet together as men. They saw the value in coming together on a regular basis to find support on matters not only of the local community, but also in their personal lives.

Our team finished the lesson by comparing preparation to American football. They explained that in our game, you needed to know your opponent. You needed to wear the right equipment. You needed to know the rules. And then, in a very simplified version, they took the Kenyans out to the gridiron.

Once again, sports brought men together. For the second consecutive day, the men of Ngaamba LOVED our sport. They added some Kenyan rules by continuing to pass on each play and ignoring the forward lateral rule. They also took to the touchdown celebration dances quite well. I have few doubts that Taylor modeled the way.

In any event, the game was a huge success. No doubt, there is internal debate raging about whether to start a church wide softball or flag football league. Hopefully we’ll get more info on this critical issue as the week progresses.

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