My Daraja Internship by Amanda

Christi Baker, the Daraja Tour Leader is leaving for Kenya today to go and meet the 2010 choir. Most of the new choir is coming from Kwambekenya. We are very excited for this years choir! Please pray for Christi as she travels and meets the new choir. And pray that God would continue to work in the lives of the kids and that God would be preparing their hearts for worship! Also please continue to lift up Abu, Grace, Linah and Dan (our returning Kenya staff) in prayer as they are preparing for the 2010 tours.

In honor of Daraja, here is another intern experience we would like to share with you….


I would have to say that the greatest thing about the Daraja internship would have to be having the chance to be a witness to the powerful and amazing impact that God has on the lives of every single person that becomes included into the Daraja family.  The adults, the interns, the kids, the host homes, the 410 staff and the thousands of people that witness the love of Christ through Daraja .  There will never be words to describe that kind of love. It is a love that only comes from the love of Christ. Being a part of that was an amazing opportunity that He allowed me to be involved in.  Although Daraja changes the lives of so many people that we come in contact with throughout a tour, it is an amazing blessing to watch Him work in the lives of the kids. Through this internship, I learned that I must always remember that He has control of everything.  That no matter what people think, what people say and what people believe about me and my relationship with the Lord, they can never take that away. I know His love is forever.  I saw that kind of love everyday with Daraja.


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