Today’s post is a “my 410 moment” from Kaylin Spink who visited Karagoto this holiday:
When I arrived in Karogoto, Kenya a few weeks ago, I was not prepared for the impact it would have on my heart. The whole experience was beyond incredible and could be summed up with the words “life-changing”. Whenever someone asks me what my favorite part was, I have no answer because not only am I unable to choose one single event that stood out above the others, but the entire trip seems impossible to put into words. Between the home visits and women’s seminars, worshipping in church and an afternoon of games with the children, I feel the only way someone could truly understand the value of this trip would be to experience it themselves. I am so thankful to God for allowing me this tremendous opportunity to go to Kenya, and for using it in my life in such a powerful way.
Although our main purpose for the trip was to build relationships with the people of Karogoto, we had the responsibility of leading a women’s seminar for two days on the topics of hygiene, parenting, and home management. I know I speak for the entire team when I say we learned far more than we taught. The way the women live their lives is a huge testimony and example. They depend wholly on the grace of God every single day not only for strength, but for survival. He is their Rock and they are completely grateful for His presence in their lives. Their hearts overflow with worship and gratitude. This was evident in the way they praise Jesus with every ounce of their being and how they spoke of His goodness repeatedly. To see a group of women who live an undesired life working hard sunrise to sundown, stricken with poverty and surrounded by death, all glorifying God and thanking Him for all He has done for them was mind-blowing for this American girl who has everything I could ever need and yet, still finds ways to complain in my comfortable, blessed life.