We rejoice with these women on their hunger for the Word of God!

Community Report October…
“Today, the women were overjoyed when they received bibles in Kikuyu and English from their American friends. The bibles meant alot to the women since not many can afford a bible. They rely on the Sunday readings in church.So when it was announced that the bibles were available and would be presented today,all of them, and a few more others turned up for the occassion. Amid heavy rains, the women sung and danced to the bibles. When asked what two words they can say about this offer these are some of the words:
Niwega muno……………… thanks alot.
Rathimwoi muno …………be blessed alot.
Ngai arogocwo……………. God be praised.
The women have formed small study groups and will hold weekly studies to improve their bible knowledge.