This is an update on the Karima Water Project that we received from Andrew Guuru, our Kenya Country Director…

The water project in Karima is near completion. All the plastic piping work has been completed, plastic tanks of 24,000 liters each have been laid on the concrete stand, and the main concrete tank is complete.
The only remaining items left to be completed are as follows.
• Connection of inlet and outlets to the plastic tanks
• Connection of the galvanized pipes across the 2 valleys on a support of already constructed concrete stands
• Laying of Galvanized Pipes across the roads on 5 sections in the community and installation of water meters on the 4 tanks
According the Community Development Manager Mr. Muchai David, the work is scheduled for completion in a month time from now.
The good part of the project is that, the community is able to access water from the Borehole tank and another service tank without having to go down the steep river watering point that they were used to.
However, one challenge has cropped up relating to the size of the pump at the borehole. The current pump is taking too long to fill up the service tank which has a water capacity of 16,000 liters. To address this issue I have taken up the matter with the concerned organization that did the borehole as well as contracting someone to put the pump (Living Water International) and they have already sent someone to the community to check on the pump.
Andrew Guuru
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