The Journey Team is a group of 20+ college students, led by Choose to Invest, serving God in Kenya this summer. To follow their trip more closely, check out their blog here.

“Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your truth we wait anxiously for you; for your name and your renown are the desires of our souls.” (Isaiah 26:8)
A community of 20+ college students thirsting for more of Christ and longing for more time in his word is extremely rare in today’s world, yet I’m blessed to literally live in the middle of such a community for 10 weeks this summer.
It is evident in our conversations, and I would dare to say even on our faces, that the Lord is working in and through each of us. The house (or the tent, depending on our whereabouts!) is constantly full of laughter. It’s also overflowing with encouragement and with songs or praise.
Surely, I didn’t meet these amazing brothers and sisters just 20 days ago. Am I surprised by how God is working among this incredible community? No, because “we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which He prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) Although I’m not surprised, I am consistently blown away by how huge, yet intimate; sovereign, yet personal; and mighty yet gentle our God is.
My words are too few and inadequate to explain what He is doing within my own heart. But one thing he is revolutionizing is my prayer life. Starting each day with no expectations of what the day might hold, my hope is completely found in Christ. As he continues to refine my heart and make himself known to me, I’m learning what it means to be in constant communication with God.
There is no way we could function as team to complete each day’s tasks without centering everything in Christ. He sits at the right hand of the throne of the Father, interceding for us. In addition, through him we may boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence. I’ve found that in presenting my requests to God with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, he takes away all anxiety. The peace of God guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Sound familiar? Philippians 4 is coming to life in my own everyday walk. The beauty of this is that with the power of Christ in me, I can surrender my desire to control the details of each day. Instead of doubting my own ability when we step off a bus and into a crowd of hundred young students, my strength is in the Lord, and in Him all things are possible.
Continue praying for our team as we grow individually with the Lord and corporately as a group, and know that we are praying for YOU. Yes, you. I believe that God is strengthening friendships, relationships, and family bonds overseas as we are away, all through the power of prayer.