Following the 410 Bridge model to be led by the local Leadership Council, members of a recent service team set out to answer the request for a Bible study. Fortunate to have deaf ministry expert, Kathryn Montoya, on this team, the study of Genesis was explained in sign language with no interpreters to slow the communication down. Kathryn was able to explain in the desired detail, the stories again and again, so the deaf truly understood. She spent time on concepts, such a sacrifice, that the deaf had never fully comprehended. Translating words during a sermon familiarize the deaf with the language of the Bible, but it was clear they needed someone who signed to explain what is behind those words. Using their own sign language and a story cloth, the stories came alive for them.
And they soaked it up, continuously asking for more. To prove they fully understood the lessons, Kathryn asked them to teach others what she had taught them. The newly trained teachers did such a good job, that those attending all of the classes received a certificate of completion and many accolades from the service team and other residents.