May was an exciting month for the community of Ereri!

The parents of the local nursery school students have hired a new teacher for the “baby” classroom. There has been an influx of students enrolled at the nursery; the parents noticed this need and took action. This is a huge win for the 410 Bridge because the parents took the initiative to hire someone new!
The Leadership Council has begun distributing livestock to special needs families. The livestock distributed is from the generous donations of the Christmas Livestock Campaign the 410 Bridge held Christmas of 2012. In the past month, the community leadership has donated different livestock (cow, sheep, goats, pigs) to families of children with special needs and widows.
The most current team to visit Ereri, NewSpring, participated in several seminars with the community’s church leadership. The community held a pastors seminar and a couples seminar during the team’s visit. They were also present during an Open Air Evangelism Campaign. These are usually set up in the bush, close to where people live, with a stage and, sometimes, a sound system. The church leadership calls out to the community and as people gather, they begin teaching the Word to those present; during this particular campaign, many people in the community came to know Jesus and were able to connect with the local church.