Our Kenya Country Director, Andrew Guuru, was in Atlanta the last couple of weeks for staff meetings and some strategic planning. Before leaving on his trip to the US, Andrew told Kurt that he would like to get a tattoo while he was in the US. So, last week we took Andrew to get his tattoo. He got a Kenyan Shield tattooed on his forearm. Although painful, Andrew stayed strong saying, “It is not painful enough to make me cry!”. Check out the video below of Andrew getting tattooed.

Turning Dreams into Reality
In the quiet village of Las Lomas, Guatemala, a story of resilience, faith, and transformation unfolds. Enma Rosa Jiménez López, a 29-year-old mother, has turned her dreams into reality, not just for herself but for her entire family. Her journey is one of perseverance, love, and an unshakable hope that has carried her through every challenge.