This afternoon, I had the privilege of speaking with a 10 year old girl, Ashton, and her mom. Ashton attends a local public school and her teacher is a trip leader for one of our North Point Church teams.

She recently saw a story on the Discovery Channel about children who die from water-borne diseases in Haiti and decided she wanted to help. She recruited a group of her friends to help and they have sent letters all throughout her neighborhood and done several bake sales etc… Her original goal was $450, and has now surpassed that by raising $563.61 to be exact.
She shared her sweet story on the phone with us this afternoon, with language of a 10 year old, but passion of a person twice her age. It was precious and inspiring… wish you all could have been on the call to brighten your day like it did ours. She and her friends have now set a new goal of $1850.
I have invited them to drop by our office one afternoon, and you would have thought I gave her new bike she was so excited. God is up to some amazing stuff and we are SO blessed to be a part of it.
Jennifer Ward