Trip Story…

Here is a blog post from past trip participants Bob and Dawn Davis. They are professional photographers and have taken many of the pictures you see on our website. You can visit their blog at

Thank you, Bob and Dawn for your kind words and your beautiful photos!


Photo Courtesy of Bob and Dawn Davis
Photo courtesy of Bob and Dawn Davis

We knew this trip to Kenya would be life changing but we had no idea how much it would change our lives. We had such an exciting time and we came home emotionally exhausted. What The 410 Bridge does in Kenya is indescribable. We knew they were an amazing organization but I have to say… “amazing” is an understatement. We didn’t know exactly what to expect with our trip to Kenya but what we found was an overwhelming amount of hope, joy and compassion in the hearts of Kenyans everywhere we went. We shared a lot of laughter, tears and fellowship with everyone that accompanied us.

The 410 Bridge has identified several communities that have a strong leadership and that share a common desire to bring hope to their people and land. Their goal is to empower each community by teaching them how to become self sufficient and not dependent on aid… like the proverb “feed a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. The 410 Bridge partners with organizations who want to work along side these communities to empower them. Their goal is for a community to be self sufficient within 3 years. We’ve witnessed first hand how little it takes, by our standards, to impact a community. Imagine what it would be like to not have fresh clean drinking water. We brought our children, Bobby & Alli, with us and it was their job to play with the kids at every stop. It’s amazing how laughter becomes a universal language.

Although Kenya may be a poor nation, it is not one that is lacking faith in our dear Lord. They accept Him on faith alone and praise Him during the most impoverished times. They are starving for clean water and live in the poorest conditions. We visited one of the slums in Nairobi where children were barefoot running around on dirt roads that were covered in fecal matter writing on the sides of their tin homes with chalk to practice their education. They are so eager to learn. In every community we were greeted with song and dance. It always brought tears to my eyes. I could go on and on about this trip but I could write forever and to be honest… I’m not that good at writing! So, I leave you with a slide show from our first day in Kenya in the village of Karatina in the Karogoto region. (See the slide show here.)

If anyone belongs to a church or organization that is looking to support the people of Kenya, I encourage you to introduce them to The 410 Bridge. It will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

Thank you for all your kind emails, support and prayers. They are so much appreciated!!!!

Dawn & Bob

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